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Legend (transgis/catalog)

Bridges (101)
Scour Critical Bridges (103)
Sign Bridges (312)
Weight Restricted Bridges (106)
Posted Bridges (107)
Low Clearance Bridges (108)
Retaining Walls (109)
Major Traffic Structures (110)
Tunnels (111)
DFMS Culverts (Advanced Inspection) (112)
DFMS Culverts (From Plans – No Inspection) (113)
Stormwater Control Measures (Point) (114)
Drywell (O and M Manual Complete) Drywell (O and M Manual Complete)
Drywell (O and M Manual Under-Development) Drywell (O and M Manual Under-Development)
All Other Facility Types (O and M Manual Complete) All Other Facility Types (O and M Manual Complete)
All Other Facility Types (O and M Manual Under-Development) All Other Facility Types (O and M Manual Under-Development)
Stormwater Outfall (278)
Tidegates (115)
Signs (116)
Signals (117)
Flashing Beacons (295)
Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) - Camera (118)
Camera Camera
Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) - Signs (119)
Hazard Warning Sign Hazard Warning Sign
Drum Sign Miles Ahead Rider Drum Sign Miles Ahead Rider
Snow Zone Drum Sign Snow Zone Drum Sign
Variable Advisory Speed Sign Variable Advisory Speed Sign
Variable Message Sign Variable Message Sign
Travel Time Travel Time
Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) - Detector Stations (120)
Detector Station - Bluetooth Detector Station - Bluetooth
Detector Station - Loops Detector Station - Loops
Detector Station - Radar Detector Station - Radar
Ramp Gate Ramp Gate
Ramp Meter Ramp Meter
Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) - Weather Systems (121)
Weather Warning System Weather Warning System
Automatic Traffic Recorder (ATR) Stations (123)
Pavement Condition (125)
Very Good Very Good
Good Good
Fair Fair
Poor Poor
Very Poor Very Poor
Number of Lanes (126)
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
Number of Lanes - Non-State (347)
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
Medians (377)
Barrier Barrier
Curbed Curbed
Jiggle Bars Jiggle Bars
Painted Painted
Painted - CTL Painted - CTL
Vegetation Vegetation
Shoulder Shoulder
Turn Lane Turn Lane
Travel Lane Through Travel Lane Through
Left Turn Lanes (378)
Right Turn Lanes (379)
Shoulder Width and Type (127)
Lane Width (128)
ADA Ramps (129)
Missing Missing
Poor Poor
Fair Fair
Good Good
Not Needed Not Needed
Removed Removed
ADA Push Button (130)
Poor Poor
Fair Fair
Good Good
ADA Corners (131)
Stand Alone Impact Attenuator (326)
Sound Barrier (135)
Marked Crosswalks (no connecting ADA ramps) (307)
Marked Crosswalks (connecting ADA ramps) (308)
Sidewalk (132)
Bicycle Facilities (136)
Bike Lane Bike Lane
Shoulder > 5' Shoulder > 5'
Shared Lane Shared Lane
Traffic Barriers (137)
Cable Cable
Concrete Concrete
Guard Rail Guard Rail
National Highway Freight Routes (311)
OHP Freight Routes (138)
High Clearance Routes (139)
Reduction Review Routes (140)
National Network - State (141)
National Network - Non-State (142)
Rail Crossings (144)
At-Grade Crossing At-Grade Crossing
Crosses Above the Track Crosses Above the Track
Crosses Below the Track Crosses Below the Track
Private Crossing Private Crossing
Rail Bridges (145)
Rail Mile Posts (146)
Rail Tunnels (147)
Rail Network (143)
State Owned Railroad Right of Way (294)
Park and Ride Lots (148)
Amtrak Passenger Rail Service Stops (321)
Amtrak Passenger Rail Service Routes (322)
Oregon POINT Bus Stops (Fixed Route) (149)
Oregon POINT Bus Routes (Fixed Route) (150)
Transit Stops (Fixed Route) (151)
Albany Transit System Albany Transit System
Amtrak Cascades Amtrak Cascades
Amtrak Coast Starlight Amtrak Coast Starlight
Amtrak Empire Builder Amtrak Empire Builder
Basin Transit Service Basin Transit Service
Benton Area Transit Benton Area Transit
Canby Area Transit (CAT) Canby Area Transit (CAT)
Caravan Airport Transportation Caravan Airport Transportation
Cascades East Transit Cascades East Transit
Cascades POINT Cascades POINT
Central Oregon Breeze Central Oregon Breeze
Cherriots Cherriots
City of Milton-Freewater City of Milton-Freewater
Columbia Area Transit Columbia Area Transit
Columbia County Rider Columbia County Rider
Coos County Area Transit Coos County Area Transit
Corvallis Transit System Corvallis Transit System
Curry Public Transit Curry Public Transit
Diamond Express Diamond Express
Eastern POINT Eastern POINT
Greyhound Greyhound
Groome Transportation Groome Transportation
Harney County Harney County
Josephine Community Transit Josephine Community Transit
Kayak Public Transit Kayak Public Transit
Klamath Tribes Klamath Tribes
Lane Transit District Lane Transit District
Let'er Bus Let'er Bus
Lincoln County Transit Lincoln County Transit
Link Lane Link Lane
Linn-Benton Loop Linn-Benton Loop
LINX Transit LINX Transit
Linn Shuttle Linn Shuttle
Malheur Council on Aging & Community Services Malheur Council on Aging & Community Services
Mt. Hood Express Mt. Hood Express
NorthWest POINT NorthWest POINT
Northeast Oregon Public Transit Northeast Oregon Public Transit
Pacific Crest Lines Pacific Crest Lines
Pacific Transit Pacific Transit
People Mover People Mover
Portland Streetcar Portland Streetcar
Rhody Express Rhody Express
Ride Connection Ride Connection
Rogue Valley Commuter Line Rogue Valley Commuter Line
Rogue Valley Transportation District Rogue Valley Transportation District
Sage Stage Sage Stage
Sandy Area Metro Sandy Area Metro
Shuttle Oregon Shuttle Oregon
South Clackamas Transportation District South Clackamas Transportation District
South Metro Area Regional Transit (SMART) South Metro Area Regional Transit (SMART)
SouthWest POINT SouthWest POINT
Sunset Empire Transportation District Sunset Empire Transportation District
Swan Island Evening Shuttle Swan Island Evening Shuttle
Tillamook County Transportation District Tillamook County Transportation District
TriMet TriMet
U-Trans U-Trans
Washington Park Shuttle Washington Park Shuttle
Woodburn Transit Woodburn Transit
Yamhill County Transit Area Yamhill County Transit Area
Transit Routes (Fixed Route) (152)
Albany Transit System Albany Transit System
Amtrak Cascades Amtrak Cascades
Amtrak Coast Starlight Amtrak Coast Starlight
Amtrak Empire Builder Amtrak Empire Builder
Basin Transit Service Basin Transit Service
Benton Area Transit Benton Area Transit
Canby Area Transit (CAT) Canby Area Transit (CAT)
Caravan Airport Transportation Caravan Airport Transportation
Cascades East Transit Cascades East Transit
Cascades POINT Cascades POINT
Central Oregon Breeze Central Oregon Breeze
Cherriots Cherriots
City of Milton-Freewater City of Milton-Freewater
Columbia Area Transit Columbia Area Transit
Columbia County Rider Columbia County Rider
Coos County Area Transit Coos County Area Transit
Corvallis Transit System Corvallis Transit System
Curry Public Transit Curry Public Transit
Diamond Express Diamond Express
Eastern POINT Eastern POINT
Greyhound Greyhound
Groome Transportation Groome Transportation
Harney County Harney County
Josephine Community Transit Josephine Community Transit
Kayak Public Transit Kayak Public Transit
Klamath Tribes Klamath Tribes
Lane Transit District Lane Transit District
Let'er Bus Let'er Bus
Lincoln County Transit Lincoln County Transit
Link Lane Link Lane
Linn-Benton Loop Linn-Benton Loop
Linn Shuttle Linn Shuttle
LINX Transit LINX Transit
Malheur Council on Aging & Community Services Malheur Council on Aging & Community Services
Mt. Hood Express Mt. Hood Express
NorthWest POINT NorthWest POINT
Northeast Oregon Public Transit Northeast Oregon Public Transit
Pacific Crest Lines Pacific Crest Lines
Pacific Transit Pacific Transit
People Mover People Mover
Portland Streetcar Portland Streetcar
Rhody Express Rhody Express
Ride Connection Ride Connection
Rogue Valley Commuter Line Rogue Valley Commuter Line
Rogue Valley Transportation District Rogue Valley Transportation District
Sage Stage Sage Stage
Sandy Area Metro Sandy Area Metro
Shuttle Oregon Shuttle Oregon
South Clackamas Transportation District South Clackamas Transportation District
South Metro Area Regional Transit (SMART) South Metro Area Regional Transit (SMART)
SouthWest POINT SouthWest POINT
Sunset Empire Transportation District Sunset Empire Transportation District
Swan Island Evening Shuttle Swan Island Evening Shuttle
Tillamook County Transportation District Tillamook County Transportation District
TriMet TriMet
U-Trans U-Trans
Washington Park Shuttle Washington Park Shuttle
Woodburn Transit Woodburn Transit
Yamhill County Transit Area Yamhill County Transit Area
ODOT Transit Regions (153)
Automatic Traffic Recorders (ATR) Data (154)
Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) - State (155)
0 - 1000 0 - 1000
1001 - 2500 1001 - 2500
2501 - 5000 2501 - 5000
5001 - 10000 5001 - 10000
10001 - 15000 10001 - 15000
15001 - 20000 15001 - 20000
20001 - 30000 20001 - 30000
30001 - 50000 30001 - 50000
50001 - 75000 50001 - 75000
75001 + 75001 +
Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) - Non-State (156)
0 - 1000 0 - 1000
1001 - 2500 1001 - 2500
2501 - 5000 2501 - 5000
5001 - 10000 5001 - 10000
10001 - 15000 10001 - 15000
15001 - 20000 15001 - 20000
20001 - 30000 20001 - 30000
30001 - 50000 30001 - 50000
50001 - 75000 50001 - 75000
Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) - Future Projected (20 Years) (157)
0 - 1000 0 - 1000
1001 - 2500 1001 - 2500
2501 - 5000 2501 - 5000
5001 - 10000 5001 - 10000
10001 - 15000 10001 - 15000
15001 - 20000 15001 - 20000
20001 - 30000 20001 - 30000
30001 - 50000 30001 - 50000
50001 - 75000 50001 - 75000
75001 - 200000 75001 - 200000
Posted Speed (158)
10 MPH 10 MPH
20 MPH 20 MPH
25 MPH 25 MPH
30 MPH 30 MPH
35 MPH 35 MPH
40 MPH 40 MPH
45 MPH 45 MPH
50 MPH 50 MPH
50 MPH Variable 50 MPH Variable
55 MPH 55 MPH
60 MPH 60 MPH
65 MPH 65 MPH
65 MPH Variable 65 MPH Variable
70 MPH 70 MPH
70 MPH Variable 70 MPH Variable
Traffic Flow (AADT) (159)
0 - 1000 0 - 1000
1001 - 2500 1001 - 2500
2501 - 5000 2501 - 5000
5001 - 10000 5001 - 10000
10001 - 15000 10001 - 15000
15001 - 20000 15001 - 20000
20001 - 30000 20001 - 30000
30001 - 50000 30001 - 50000
50001 - 75000 50001 - 75000
75001 + 75001 +
Truck Flow (AADT) (160)
0 - 499 0 - 499
500 - 999 500 - 999
1000 - 1499 1000 - 1499
1500 - 1999 1500 - 1999
2000 - 2999 2000 - 2999
3000 - 3999 3000 - 3999
4000 - 4999 4000 - 4999
5000 - 7499 5000 - 7499
7500 - 9999 7500 - 9999
10000 + 10000 +
Highway Mile Posts (161)
Highway Mile Point - Tenths (162)
Highway Mile Point - Hundredths (163)
All Public Roads (164)
All Public Road Names (165)
Signed Routes (166)
Interstate Interstate
U.S. Routes U.S. Routes
Oregon Routes Oregon Routes
Non-State Network (348)
Ownership (349)
Highway Connections (167)
Highway Frontage Roads (168)
Highway Network (169)
Highway Network-By ODOT Highway Number (170)
001 001
002 002
003 003
004 004
005 005
006 006
007 007
008 008
009 009
010 010
011 011
012 012
014 014
015 015
016 016
017 017
018 018
019 019
020 020
021 021
022 022
023 023
025 025
026 026
027 027
028 028
029 029
030 030
031 031
032 032
033 033
035 035
036 036
037 037
038 038
039 039
040 040
041 041
042 042
043 043
044 044
045 045
046 046
047 047
048 048
049 049
050 050
051 051
052 052
053 053
054 054
058 058
060 060
061 061
062 062
063 063
064 064
066 066
067 067
068 068
069 069
070 070
071 071
072 072
075 075
081 081
091 091
092 092
100 100
102 102
103 103
104 104
105 105
110 110
120 120
123 123
127 127
130 130
131 131
132 132
138 138
140 140
141 141
142 142
143 143
144 144
150 150
151 151
153 153
154 154
155 155
157 157
160 160
161 161
162 162
163 163
164 164
171 171
172 172
173 173
174 174
180 180
181 181
189 189
191 191
193 193
194 194
200 200
201 201
210 210
211 211
212 212
215 215
222 222
225 225
226 226
227 227
228 228
229 229
231 231
233 233
240 240
241 241
242 242
244 244
250 250
251 251
255 255
260 260
270 270
271 271
272 272
273 273
281 281
282 282
290 290
291 291
292 292
293 293
300 300
301 301
320 320
321 321
330 330
331 331
332 332
333 333
334 334
335 335
339 339
340 340
341 341
342 342
350 350
351 351
360 360
361 361
370 370
372 372
380 380
390 390
402 402
410 410
413 413
414 414
415 415
420 420
422 422
424 424
426 426
429 429
431 431
440 440
442 442
449 449
450 450
451 451
453 453
454 454
455 455
456 456
457 457
481 481
482 482
483 483
484 484
485 485
486 486
487 487
488 488
489 489
490 490
491 491
492 492
493 493
Federal Functional Class - State (171)
Rural Interstate Rural Interstate
Rural Other Principal Arterial Rural Other Principal Arterial
Rural Minor Arterial Rural Minor Arterial
Rural Major Collector Rural Major Collector
Rural Minor Collector Rural Minor Collector
Rural Local Rural Local
Urban Interstate Urban Interstate
Urban Other Freeways and Expressways Urban Other Freeways and Expressways
Urban Other Principal Arterial Urban Other Principal Arterial
Urban Minor Arterials Urban Minor Arterials
Urban Collector Urban Collector
Urban Minor Collector Urban Minor Collector
Urban Local Urban Local
Federal Functional Class - Non-State Mile Point - Hundredths (172)
Federal Functional Class - Non-State (173)
Rural Other Principal Arterial Rural Other Principal Arterial
Rural Minor Arterial Rural Minor Arterial
Rural Major Collector Rural Major Collector
Rural Minor Collector Rural Minor Collector
Rural Local Rural Local
Urban Interstate Urban Interstate
Urban Other Freeways and Expressways Urban Other Freeways and Expressways
Urban Other Principal Arterial Urban Other Principal Arterial
Urban Minor Arterial Urban Minor Arterial
Urban Collector Urban Collector
Urban Minor Collector Urban Minor Collector
Urban Local Urban Local
Federal Aid Eligible Road Network (174)
OHP Expressways (175)
OHP Highway Classification (176)
National Highway System (NHS) - State (177)
National Highway System (NHS) - Non-State (178)
Seismic Program Highways (179)
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
Oregon Scenic Bikeways (180)
Oregon Scenic Byways (181)
All American Road All American Road
National Scenic Byway National Scenic Byway
Oregon State Scenic Byway Oregon State Scenic Byway
Oregon Tour Route Oregon Tour Route
Special Transportation Areas (STA): Urban Business Areas (UBA); Commercial Centers (CC) (182)
Low Volume Road (LVR) Pavement Routes (324)
Crashes 2022 (187)
Fatal Fatal
Injury Injury
Property Damage Only Property Damage Only
Crashes 2021 (186)
Fatal Fatal
Injury Injury
Property Damage Only Property Damage Only
Crashes 2020 (185)
Fatal Fatal
Injury Injury
Property Damage Only Property Damage Only
Crashes 2019 (184)
Fatal Fatal
Injury Injury
Property Damage Only Property Damage Only
Crashes 2018 (183)
Fatal Fatal
Injury Injury
Property Damage Only Property Damage Only
SPIS 2023 (2020-22 crashes) (192)
All Public Roads All Public Roads
85% - 89.99% 85% - 89.99%
90% - 94.99% 90% - 94.99%
95% - 100% 95% - 100%
SPIS 2022 (2019-21 crashes) (191)
All Public Roads All Public Roads
85% - 89.99% 85% - 89.99%
90% - 94.99% 90% - 94.99%
95% - 100% 95% - 100%
SPIS 2021 (2018-20 crashes) (190)
All Public Roads All Public Roads
85% - 89.99% 85% - 89.99%
90% - 94.99% 90% - 94.99%
95% - 100% 95% - 100%
SPIS 2020 (2017-19 crashes) (189)
All Public Roads All Public Roads
85% - 89.99% 85% - 89.99%
90% - 94.99% 90% - 94.99%
95% - 100% 95% - 100%
SPIS 2019 (2016-18 crashes) (188)
All Public Roads All Public Roads
85% - 89.99% 85% - 89.99%
90% - 94.99% 90% - 94.99%
95% - 100% 95% - 100%
Safety Scoping Projects (194)
Fix It Priority Corridor STIP 2015-2018 (285)
Fix It Priority Corridor STIP 2018-2021 (286)
Fix It Priority Corridor STIP 2021-2024 (287)
Fix It Priority Corridor STIP 2024-2027 (314)
Fix It Priority Corridor STIP 2027-2030 (315)
STIP 2024-2027 Points - Current (361)
STIP 2024-2027 Lines - Current (362)
STIP 2021-2024 Points (198)
STIP 2021-2024 Lines (199)
STIP 2018-2021 Points (316)
STIP 2018-2021 Lines (317)
STIP 2015-2018 Points (318)
STIP 2015-2018 Lines (319)
STIP 2012-2015 Points (200)
STIP 2012-2015 Lines (201)
STIP 2008-2011 (202)
STIP 2006-2009 (203)
ATNI Rural Unincorporated Communities (306)
Vulnerable Road User (VRU) Assessment- Bicycle Risk Score (385)
High Risk (53-80) High Risk (53-80)
Medium Risk (39-52) Medium Risk (39-52)
Low to Medium Risk (25-38) Low to Medium Risk (25-38)
Low Risk (0-24) Low Risk (0-24)
Vulnerable Road User (VRU) Assessment- Pedestrian Risk Score (386)
High Risk (53-80) High Risk (53-80)
Medium Risk (39-52) Medium Risk (39-52)
Low to Medium Risk (25-38) Low to Medium Risk (25-38)
Low Risk (0-24) Low Risk (0-24)
Bicycle Level of Traffic Stress (BLTS) (390)
Level of Traffic Stress 1 Level of Traffic Stress 1
Level of Traffic Stress 2 Level of Traffic Stress 2
Level of Traffic Stress 3 Level of Traffic Stress 3
Level of Traffic Stress 4 Level of Traffic Stress 4
Resilience Corridors (344)
Tier 1 Tier 1
Tier 2 Tier 2
Tier 3 Tier 3
Multi-Hazard Risk (Mid-Century) (329)
0 - 1 hazards 0 - 1 hazards
2 hazards 2 hazards
3 hazards 3 hazards
4 hazards 4 hazards
5 hazards 5 hazards
6 hazards 6 hazards
7 hazards 7 hazards
Coastal Flooding Risk (330)
Low Low
Medium Medium
High High
Very High Very High
Inland Flooding Risk (331)
Low Low
Medium Medium
High High
Very High Very High
Coastal Erosion Risk (332)
Low Low
Medium Medium
High High
Very High Very High
Late-Century Landslide Risk (333)
Low Low
Medium Medium
High High
Very High Very High
Mid-Century Landslide Risk (334)
Low Low
Medium Medium
High High
Very High Very High
Late-Century Wildfire Risk (335)
Low Low
Medium Medium
High High
Very High Very High
Mid-Century Wildfire Risk (336)
Low Low
Medium Medium
High High
Very High Very High
Late-Century Daily Freeze Thaw Risk (337)
Low Low
Medium Medium
High High
Very High Very High
Mid-Century Daily Freeze Thaw Risk (338)
Low Low
Medium Medium
High High
Very High Very High
Mid-Century Snow Days Risk (339)
Low Low
Medium Medium
High High
Very High Very High
Late-Century Very Heavy Precipitation Risk (340)
Low Low
Medium Medium
High High
Very High Very High
Mid-Century Very Heavy Precipitation Risk (341)
Low Low
Medium Medium
High High
Very High Very High
Late-Century Very Hot Days Risk (342)
Low Low
Medium Medium
High High
Very High Very High
Mid-Century Very Hot Days Risk (343)
Low Low
Medium Medium
High High
Very High Very High
Sea Level Rise – Isolated Population (360)
0 - 82 0 - 82
82 - 592 82 - 592
592 - 2578 592 - 2578
2578 - 4982 2578 - 4982
4982- 9388 4982- 9388
US101 Priority Coastal Hazard Sites (345)
Social Equity Index (328)
High Disparity High Disparity
Medium High Disparity Medium High Disparity
Low Medium Disparity Low Medium Disparity
Low Disparity Low Disparity
Aggregate Sites (206)
Army Corps of Engineers source Army Corps of Engineers source
BLM source BLM source
Bureau of Reclamation source Bureau of Reclamation source
City Owned Source City Owned Source
Commercial source Commercial source
County source County source
DSL source DSL source
Joint Ownership (Two or more Landowner) Joint Ownership (Two or more Landowner)
No longer managed as a material source No longer managed as a material source
ODF source ODF source
ODFW source ODFW source
ODOT source ODOT source
ODOT owned Surface Rights, Mineral Rights by BLM ODOT owned Surface Rights, Mineral Rights by BLM
Port Owned Souce Port Owned Souce
Private Surface Rights, Mineral Rights by BLM Private Surface Rights, Mineral Rights by BLM
Private source Private source
Road Cut: Highway Right of Way or easement Road Cut: Highway Right of Way or easement
Source number no longer tracked Source number no longer tracked
Tribal Owned Source Tribal Owned Source
US Fish and Wildlife US Fish and Wildlife
USFS source USFS source
Unstable Slopes (207)
High High
Medium Medium
Low Low
Faults OGDC v6 (211)
Folds OGDC v6 (212)
Geologic Units Map OGDC v6 (213)
airfall deposits airfall deposits
alkali basalt alkali basalt
amphibolite amphibolite
andesite andesite
ash ash
ashflow tuff ashflow tuff
basalt basalt
basalt trachyandesite basalt trachyandesite
basaltic andesite basaltic andesite
basaltic sandstone basaltic sandstone
basanite basanite
basin plain mudstone basin plain mudstone
blueschist blueschist
breccia breccia
brecciated rock brecciated rock
chert chert
coarse grained sediments coarse grained sediments
conglomerate conglomerate
dacite dacite
deltaic sandstone deltaic sandstone
dolomite dolomite
felsic composition lithologies felsic composition lithologies
fine grained sediments fine grained sediments
gabbro gabbro
gneiss gneiss
greenstone greenstone
hornfels hornfels
ice ice
intermediate composition lithologies intermediate composition lithologies
lamprophyre lamprophyre
limestone limestone
mafic composition lithologies mafic composition lithologies
marble marble
marine sedimentary rocks marine sedimentary rocks
metamorphic rocks metamorphic rocks
mixed grained sediments mixed grained sediments
mixed lithologies mixed lithologies
mudflow breccia mudflow breccia
mudstone mudstone
nepheline syenite nepheline syenite
no data no data
palagonite tuff palagonite tuff
pillow lavas pillow lavas
pumice pumice
quartzite quartzite
rhyodacite rhyodacite
rhyolite rhyolite
sandstone sandstone
schist schist
sedimentary rocks sedimentary rocks
serpentinite serpentinite
shelf sandstone shelf sandstone
siltstone siltstone
sinter deposit sinter deposit
slope channel sandstone slope channel sandstone
slope mudstone slope mudstone
trachyandesite trachyandesite
trachydacite trachydacite
trachyrhyodacite trachyrhyodacite
tufa tufa
tuff tuff
tuffaceous sedimentary rocks tuffaceous sedimentary rocks
turbidite turbidite
ultramafic composition lithologies ultramafic composition lithologies
vitrophyre vitrophyre
volcanic rocks volcanic rocks
volcaniclastic rocks volcaniclastic rocks
welded tuff welded tuff
OASCS Non-State Hundredths (400)
OASCS Non-State Network (401)
ODOT Maintenance Stations (208)
ODOT Facilities (209)
ODOT Leased Buildings (210)
ODOT Maintenance Units (310)
1201 1201
1202 1202
1203 1203
1204 1204
1206 1206
1302 1302
1303 1303
1305 1305
1306 1306
1307 1307
2101 2101
2103 2103
2104 2104
2105 2105
2201 2201
2203 2203
2204 2204
2206 2206
2301 2301
2302 2302
2303 2303
2305 2305
2306 2306
2501 2501
2502 2502
2503 2503
2504 2504
2506 2506
3202 3202
3204 3204
3207 3207
3209 3209
3301 3301
3304 3304
3305 3305
3307 3307
4101 4101
4102 4102
4103 4103
4105 4105
4108 4108
4109 4109
4201 4201
4202 4202
4203 4203
4204 4204
4205 4205
4206 4206
4207 4207
4208 4208
4209 4209
4301 4301
4302 4302
4303 4303
4304 4304
4305 4305
4306 4306
4307 4307
4308 4308
4311 4311
5101 5101
5102 5102
5103 5103
5105 5105
5106 5106
5107 5107
5108 5108
5109 5109
5201 5201
5202 5202
5203 5203
5204 5204
5205 5205
5211 5211
5301 5301
5302 5302
5303 5303
5306 5306
5307 5307
Animal Incidents (193)
Wild Birds Wild Birds
Deer Deer
Elk Elk
Farm and Domestic Animals Farm and Domestic Animals
Other Wild Animals Other Wild Animals
FAHP ESA Programmatic Projects (305)
Early Coordination Early Coordination
Project Notification Project Notification
In-Construction In-Construction
Construction Complete Construction Complete
Restoration Complete Restoration Complete
Fish Barriers (214)
Fish Passage (215)
Animal Incidents Density (313)
Highest Highest
Medium-High Medium-High
Medium Medium
Medium-Low Medium-Low
Lowest Lowest
Priority Wildlife Connectivity Areas (380)
EPA Nonattainment Areas and Maintenance Areas (296)
1-Hr Ozone (1979) 1-Hr Ozone (1979)
Carbon Monoxide (1971) Carbon Monoxide (1971)
PM-10 (1987) PM-10 (1987)
PM-2.5 (2006) PM-2.5 (2006)
Compensatory Mitigation Sites (323)
Oregon Wetlands (216)
Hydric or Wetland Soils (217)
All Hydric All Hydric
Partially Hydric Partially Hydric
High Likelihood of Containing Hydric Soils High Likelihood of Containing Hydric Soils
Climate Divisions (218)
0.5 0.5
0.67 0.67
0.75 0.75
Average Annual Precipitation (in) (219)
Less than 10 Less than 10
10 - 15 10 - 15
15 - 20 15 - 20
20 - 30 20 - 30
30 - 40 30 - 40
40 - 50 40 - 50
50 - 60 50 - 60
60 - 80 60 - 80
80 - 100 80 - 100
100 - 140 100 - 140
140 - 180 140 - 180
More than 180 More than 180
6-Month 24-Hour Precipitation (in) (297)
Less than 0.50 Less than 0.50
0.50 - 0.75 0.50 - 0.75
0.75 - 1.00 0.75 - 1.00
1.00 - 1.50 1.00 - 1.50
1.50 - 2.00 1.50 - 2.00
2.00 - 2.50 2.00 - 2.50
2.50 - 3.00 2.50 - 3.00
3.00 - 3.50 3.00 - 3.50
3.50 - 4.00 3.50 - 4.00
4.00 - 4.50 4.00 - 4.50
4.50 - 5.00 4.50 - 5.00
5.00 - 6.00 5.00 - 6.00
More than 6.00 More than 6.00
2-Year 24-Hour Precipitation (in) (298)
Less than 0.75 Less than 0.75
0.75 - 1.00 0.75 - 1.00
1.00 - 1.50 1.00 - 1.50
1.50 - 2.00 1.50 - 2.00
2.00 - 2.50 2.00 - 2.50
2.50 - 3.00 2.50 - 3.00
3.00 - 3.50 3.00 - 3.50
3.50 - 4.00 3.50 - 4.00
4.00 - 4.50 4.00 - 4.50
4.50 - 5.00 4.50 - 5.00
5.00 - 6.00 5.00 - 6.00
6.00 - 7.00 6.00 - 7.00
7.00 - 8.00 7.00 - 8.00
8.00 - 8.69 8.00 - 8.69
10-Year 24-Hour Precipitation (in) (299)
Less than 1.50 Less than 1.50
1.50 - 2.00 1.50 - 2.00
2.00 - 2.50 2.00 - 2.50
2.50 - 3.00 2.50 - 3.00
3.00 - 3.50 3.00 - 3.50
3.50 - 4.00 3.50 - 4.00
4.00 - 4.50 4.00 - 4.50
4.50 - 5.00 4.50 - 5.00
5.00 - 6.00 5.00 - 6.00
6.00 - 7.00 6.00 - 7.00
7.00 - 8.00 7.00 - 8.00
8.00 - 9.00 8.00 - 9.00
9.00 - 10.00 9.00 - 10.00
10.00 - 11.00 10.00 - 11.00
11.00 - 11.47 11.00 - 11.47
25-Year 24-Hour Precipitation (in) (300)
Less than 1.50 Less than 1.50
1.50 - 2.00 1.50 - 2.00
2.00 - 2.50 2.00 - 2.50
2.50 - 3.00 2.50 - 3.00
3.00 - 3.50 3.00 - 3.50
3.50 - 4.00 3.50 - 4.00
4.00 - 4.50 4.00 - 4.50
4.50 - 5.00 4.50 - 5.00
5.00 - 6.00 5.00 - 6.00
6.00 - 7.00 6.00 - 7.00
7.00 - 8.00 7.00 - 8.00
8.00 - 10.00 8.00 - 10.00
10.00 - 12.00 10.00 - 12.00
12.00 - 13.45 12.00 - 13.45
50-Year 24-Hour Precipitation (in) (301)
Less than 1.50 Less than 1.50
1.50 - 2.00 1.50 - 2.00
2.00 - 2.50 2.00 - 2.50
2.50 - 3.00 2.50 - 3.00
3.00 - 3.50 3.00 - 3.50
3.50 - 4.00 3.50 - 4.00
4.00 - 4.50 4.00 - 4.50
4.50 - 5.00 4.50 - 5.00
5.00 - 6.00 5.00 - 6.00
6.00 - 7.00 6.00 - 7.00
7.00 - 8.00 7.00 - 8.00
8.00 - 10.00 8.00 - 10.00
10.00 - 12.00 10.00 - 12.00
12.00 - 14.00 12.00 - 14.00
14.00 - 14.94 14.00 - 14.94
100-Year 24-Hour Precipitation (in) (302)
Less than 2.0 Less than 2.0
2.00 - 2.50 2.00 - 2.50
2.50 - 3.00 2.50 - 3.00
3.00 - 3.50 3.00 - 3.50
3.50 - 4.00 3.50 - 4.00
4.00 - 4.50 4.00 - 4.50
4.50 - 5.00 4.50 - 5.00
5.00 - 5.50 5.00 - 5.50
5.50 - 6.00 5.50 - 6.00
6.00 - 7.00 6.00 - 7.00
7.00 - 7.50 7.00 - 7.50
8.00 - 10.00 8.00 - 10.00
10.00 - 12.00 10.00 - 12.00
12.00 - 14.00 12.00 - 14.00
14.00 - 16.00 14.00 - 16.00
16.00 - 16.45 16.00 - 16.45
500-Year 24-Hour Precipitation (in) (303)
2.00 - 2.50 2.00 - 2.50
2.50 - 3.00 2.50 - 3.00
3.00 - 3.50 3.00 - 3.50
3.50 - 4.00 3.50 - 4.00
4.00 - 4.50 4.00 - 4.50
4.50 - 5.00 4.50 - 5.00
5.00 - 6.00 5.00 - 6.00
6.00 - 7.00 6.00 - 7.00
7.00 - 8.00 7.00 - 8.00
8.00 - 10.00 8.00 - 10.00
10.00 - 12.00 10.00 - 12.00
12.00 - 14.00 12.00 - 14.00
14.00 - 16.00 14.00 - 16.00
16.00 - 18.00 16.00 - 18.00
18.00 - 20.00 18.00 - 20.00
More than 20.00 More than 20.00
1000-Year 24-Hour Precipitation (in) (304)
2.00 - 2.50 2.00 - 2.50
2.50 - 3.00 2.50 - 3.00
3.00 - 3.50 3.00 - 3.50
3.50 - 4.00 3.50 - 4.00
4.00 - 4.50 4.00 - 4.50
4.50 - 5.00 4.50 - 5.00
5.00 - 6.00 5.00 - 6.00
6.00 - 7.00 6.00 - 7.00
7.00 - 8.00 7.00 - 8.00
8.00 - 10.00 8.00 - 10.00
10.00 - 12.00 10.00 - 12.00
12.00 - 14.00 12.00 - 14.00
14.00 - 16.00 14.00 - 16.00
16.00 - 18.00 16.00 - 18.00
18.00 - 20.00 18.00 - 20.00
More than 20.00 More than 20.00
City Limits (220)
Federal Aid Urban Boundaries (FAUB) (221)
Urban Growth Boundaries (UGB) (222)
PLSS (Township & Range) (223)
PLSS (Sections) (224)
ODOT Maintenance Districts (225)
ODOT Areas (226)
ODOT Regions (227)
Area Commissions on Transportation (ACT) (228)
Metropolitan Planning Area (MPA) (229)
Environmental Justice (230)
US Congressional Districts (231)
State Senate Districts (232)
State House Districts (233)
Bricklayer Zones (234)
Electrician Zones (235)
Power Equipment Operator Zones (236)
Travel Oregon Regions (288)
Zip Codes (237)
County Boundaries (284)
Lidar Point Cloud Index (239)
Lidar Imagery Index (240)
USGS Quads Index (241)