ADA Corners (0)
ADA Push Button (1)
ADA Push Button Needs (2)
ADA Ramps (3)
ADA Ramp Needs (4)
ADA Crosswalk Closure (5)
ADA Crosswalk Closure Needs (62)
ADA Design Exception (58)
ADA Design Exception Needs (59)
Animal Incidents (60)
Approaches (7)
Approach Needs (8)
ATR Sites (9)
Bicycle Facilities (10)
Bicycle Facility Needs (11)
Bicycle Level of Traffic Stress (BLTS) (125)
Bridges (12)
Bridge_Asphalt (13)
Bridge Rail Needs (57)
Coastal Erosion Risk (90)
| Low |
| Medium |
| High |
| Very High |
Coastal Flooding Risk (91)
| Low |
| Medium |
| High |
| Very High |
Culverts-DFMS Adv Inspection (15)
Culverts-DFMS No Inspection (16)
Fish Barriers-ODFW (17)
Fish Passage-DSL (18)
Flashing Beacons (56)
Flashing Beacon Needs (20)
General Design Exception (61)
hwynet (21)
Stand Alone Impact Attenuator (106)
Stand Alone Impact Attenuator Needs (107)
Inland Flooding Risk (92)
| Low |
| Medium |
| High |
| Very High |
ITS (22)
Late-Century Daily Freeze Thaw Risk (99)
| Low |
| Medium |
| High |
| Very High |
Late-Century Landslide Risk (95)
| Low |
| Medium |
| High |
| Very High |
Late-Century Very Heavy Precipitation Risk (102)
| Low |
| Medium |
| High |
| Very High |
Late-Century Very Hot Days Risk (104)
| Low |
| Medium |
| High |
| Very High |
Late-Century Wildfire Risk (97)
| Low |
| Medium |
| High |
| Very High |
Left Turn Lanes (110)
Marked Crosswalks (no ramps) (23)
Marked Crosswalks (no ramps) Needs (24)
Marked Crosswalks (with ramps) (25)
Marked Crosswalks (with ramps) Needs (26)
Medians (111)
Mid-Century Daily Freeze Thaw Risk (100)
| Low |
| Medium |
| High |
| Very High |
Mid-Century Landslide Risk (96)
| Low |
| Medium |
| High |
| Very High |
Mid-Century Snow Days Risk (101)
| Low |
| Medium |
| High |
| Very High |
Mid-Century Very Heavy Precipitation Risk (103)
| Low |
| Medium |
| High |
| Very High |
Mid-Century Very Hot Days Risk (105)
| Low |
| Medium |
| High |
| Very High |
Mid-Century Wildfire Risk (98)
| Low |
| Medium |
| High |
| Very High |
Multi-Hazard Risk (Mid-Century) (93)
| 0 - 1 hazards |
| 2 hazards |
| 3 hazards |
| 4 hazards |
| 5 hazards |
| 6 hazards |
| 7 hazards |
Oregon Boundary (200)
Park and Ride Lots (63)
Pavement (27)
Rail Bridges (29)
Rail Crossings (113)
Rail Mileposts (30)
Rail Network (31)
Resilience Corridors (108)
Retaining Walls (32)
Right Turn Lanes (112)
Safety-Crashes (33)
Safety-Crash Rates (34)
Safety-Priority Index System (SPIS) (35)
Sidewalk (37)
Sidewalk Needs (38)
Social Equity Index (94)
| High Disparity |
| Medium High Disparity |
| Low Medium Disparity |
| Low Disparity |
Sound Barriers (39)
Sidewalk Accessibility (75)
Traffic-AADT (40)
Traffic Barriers (41)
Traffic Barrier Needs (66)
Traffic Barriers (Unconnected/Unprotected) (43)
Traffic-Posted Speed (44)
Traffic Signals (45)
Traffic Signal Needs (46)
Traffic Support-Signs (48)
Traffic Support-Sign Needs (49)
Tunnels (50)
Unstable Slopes (51)
US101 Priority Coastal Hazard Sites (76)
VRU-Bike (120)
| High Risk (53-80) |
| Medium Risk (39-52) |
| Low to Medium Risk (25-38) |
| Low Risk (0-24) |
VRU-Ped (121)
| High Risk (53-80) |
| Medium Risk (39-52) |
| Low to Medium Risk (25-38) |
| Low Risk (0-24) |
WIM MCTD Sites (54)